Tailored and focused support so you can avoid the overwhelm of writing your book alone.

From story seed to first revision, I’m here to help you feel confident and motivated in your writing.

16-Week Planning & Drafting Coaching

Over 16 weeks, I will help you plan and write your first draft. You will get my editorial advice on your chapters whilst benefiting from weekly coaching calls and continued support. I will be with you every step of the way to bounce around ideas, discuss changes, and help you out of writing slumps.

For the first 4 weeks we will plan your book — focusing on brainstorming, characters, worldbuilding, and planning — so you feel comfortable and confident moving forward. In the remaining 12 weeks you will draft your book and send me chapters each week for editing. I will leave in-line comments and suggested rewrites through Track Changes. Each chapter will also be broken down into a content overview so you can see which elements of the story are being developed in which chapter.

Investment: £575 per month for 4 months (alternative payment plans available)

Who this is for:

Writers seeking in-depth support, guidance, and accountability so they can write their first draft without overwhelm and self-doubt.

What’s included:

• 4 planning workbooks

• Weekly editorial feedback on your chapters

• Weekly recorded Zoom calls

• Ongoing email support

• A feedback spreadsheet with unlimited access

• Accountability, support, and guidance

“The past four months have been such a journey. I grew immensely as a writer, but I also grew as a person.

For a long time, I had been feeling overwhelmed about writing a book, never being able to finish. This was rooted in a lack of belief in myself, and a fear that I could not pull off the vision I had in my head. Working with Isobelle gave me the confidence and belief to write and finish my first draft ever, but also to complete a revision plan and start my second draft — all in 4 months. Isobelle pushed me to keep going, challenged my ideas to make them stronger, told me the truth when I needed to hear it and encouraged me when I was feeling low. She made my writing dream come true, and for that I will always be grateful. Thank you for all the time, effort and patience you put into my story.”

— Andrea, fantasy writer

8 -week coaching & critique

The 8-week coaching & critique is the perfect option for receiving structural advice to make your revisions easier. The chapter-specific feedback will act as a roadmap for your rewrites so you know exactly what to add and focus on, while our weekly coaching calls are the perfect way to discuss the feedback and receive my 1:1 support and guidance.

As the name suggests, you’ll have the 1:1 support of coaching with the actionable feedback of chapter-by-chapter analyses. Each week, I’ll critique and return a set amount of chapters for you to review, followed by a weekly coaching call to discuss the feedback and make plans for future changes and rewrites. In the chapter breakdowns, I’ll summarise the contents of the chapter and provide a focus for future edits. I’ll be assessing plot progress, structure, pacing, worldbuilding, character arc progression, and more within the chapter breakdowns. Your editorial report will also feature character analyses and a plot summary. By the end of the 8 weeks, you’ll have an entirely critiqued manuscript with a clear roadmap so you can start your revisions stress-free.

Investment: £1,600 (up to 99,000 words)
£12 per additional 1,000 words
(Payments are made in installments to make them more manageable.)

Who this is for:

New/emerging writers looking for structural support and guidance, writers with a first draft that hasn’t received beta or editor feedback, writers without a complete draft who need some direction.

What’s included:

• A detailed, personalised chapter breakdown report.

• Weekly feedback on your chapters as in-line comments and written report-style feedback.

• Weekly coaching calls via Zoom to go over the week’s feedback and discuss new ideas.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Planning & Drafting Coaching is for writers who want to write the first draft of their book but who struggle to stay motivated, accountable and committed to their project. If you enjoy setting goals and having 1:1 focused support and feedback, then this is for you. I’ll be with you every step of the way to ensure you avoid the overwhelm of doing this alone.

  • If, at the end of the 16 weeks, you haven’t completed your first draft, you are welcome to extend the coaching for another month or we will come up with a writing plan to ensure you feel confident moving ahead on your own.

  • Editing is for writers who are ready to publish, who need more focused feedback, or who have finished/almost finished their novel. The Planning & Drafting Coaching is for writers who are yet to write their draft and are not yet ready to publish. Coaching does not replace editing. Both a beneficial but in different ways. If you’re unsure what you need, get in touch and I can help you.

  • The 8-week coaching & critique is perfect for new writers or writers who have hit a wall in their manuscript. If you’ve never received feedback on your writing before or you aren’t sure how to tackle revisions alone, this is a great opportunity to dip your toe into the process. We’ll work collaboratively over 8 weeks to develop your story and help it reach its full potential. With my guidance and actionable feedback, you’ll feel equipped to start your first (or next) round of revisions.

  • Nope! If you hit a drafting wall and have an unfinished book, I can still help you. I’ll read and critique what you’ve got and we can use the remaining time however is most effective for you. You can draft and send me new chapters. We can create a revision plan so you know where your story needs to go from here. Or we can look at your current planning to see where it can be added to and developed. I’m here to help make the revising and rewriting process easier for you.

  • Absolutely! If you have a completed novel for the 8-week coaching & critique, I’ll read the whole thing and provide feedback for all of it.

“In total I managed 70,000 words in four months and committed to at least one chapter a week. Not only that, but I have a full draft that has been reviewed ready for me to start edits.

Coaching with Isobelle was a great experience. The best way I can describe it is as a "writing personal trainer" - can you go to the gym yourself? Sure, but how much more effective is it when you have someone motivating you to show up week after week and showing you how to do the best workout for your body and lifestyle.

Isobelle not only held me accountable to write every week, but she also brought her invaluable skills as an editor to every session. She would provide in depth feedback on my chapters every single week and we would brainstorm my writing for the next week.

Working with Isobelle has been incredible! She’s so patient and understanding, and her advice is always spot-on. Thank you Isobelle, it was a joy working with you!

— Megan, historical fiction & fantasy writer

Ready to develop your writing skills so you can write your best book without the overwhelm and self-doubt?