How to Collaborate With a Fellow Author

Last week I joined fellow author, editor, and writing coach, Rachel Grosvenor in Wales for a writing retreat. We decided to begin a project we’ve spoken about for a while – writing a novel together.

However, writing a book with someone else is no mean feat. A few things are required to ensure you can work well together and make it an enjoyable experience.

So, if you too are looking to collaborate with a fellow author, here are our top tips on making it work.

#1 Communication is key

An obvious one but worth mentioning is communication. We all communicate in a different way, but being receptive and open to each other’s ideas is a big part of creative collaboration. Before writing together, consider how the other person communicates, how they prefer to write, and what you can both bring to the project.

#2 Give constructive criticism

How do you receive feedback? It’s an important subject to raise. Rachel and I like the compliment sandwich and clear informative information about how something can be improved. Identify something you like and then explain how something could be changed and why you think this. Be open to discussion on that change and remember that creative writing is a subject often close to the heart. Find a middle ground for what works for both of you and don’t be afraid to refer back to point one.

#3 Respect energy levels

Everyone has different ways of writing and working throughout the day and routines that they are comfortable with. If you find you write best in the morning but your creative friend writes best in the evening, come up with a schedule that suits the both of you. Additionally, ensure you take breaks to recharge and refocus. Writing is tiring work, and writing with someone else may drain your battery quicker — especially for our fellow introverts.

#4 Encourage each other

Discuss open ideas with each other and be mindful of all of the above. If doubt or Impostor Syndrome strikes, make sure you feel comfortable sharing this and talking it through. Spur each other on and take regular breaks where you don’t discuss writing – creating together requires a relationship too!

#5 Share a plot

Everyone’s ideas are valid, so remember to share a plot. If you have an idea that you feel strongly about, politely explore it and allow your author friend to do the same. Remember that there is more than one solution to a problem and that different personality types respond in different ways to situations – that’s a key point for your characters too!

#6 Work to your strengths

At the start of your collaboration, communicate your creative strengths to the other person. Explore the topics and themes that you enjoy, share favourite books, and decide on division of labour. For example, Rachel and I discussed the kind of characters we like to write. Rachel enjoys writing from a woman’s point of view, so she chose a character that matched her preferences. I am the opposite and quite enjoy writing from the male POV, so I chose a character that matched mine. In research, Rachel enjoys writing about historical elements such as food, while I prefer researching geographical features, such as floor plans and setting.

Treat this like any partnership with fair exchange and respect, and you too will be writing a novel with a close friend with ease and creativity.

Looking for some support while you draft your novel? My 16-Week Planning & Drafting Coaching is designed specifically for writers who want to avoid the overwhelm of writing their book alone. With support, accountability and weekly feedback, you can finally start making progress on your first draft.


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